Submission Checklist
The IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI) provides detailed instructions and checklists for authors to ensure compliance with submission standards. Below is a comprehensive checklist that includes general guidelines and specific requirements for various types of papers.
Submissions that do not meet these criteria will be returned for correction (unsubmitted). Frequently encountered issues are highlighted in yellow .
General Checklist for All Submissions
Ensure that the manuscript is neither unpublished nor under consideration elsewhere (if its earlier version was published in a conference, it is required to disclose this in your cover letter and to highlight the differences; see below for more details).
Verify that all co-authors’ email addresses and affiliations are accurate and up to date (refrain from using personal email addresses). Check the cover page of the PDF proof generated by ScholarOne Manuscripts in the final submission step.
Confirm that no co-authors appear on IEEE TMI’s Prohibited Author List (PAL).
Do not suggest reviewers in the cover letter.
Format references using the author-name format (first initial, last name) as demonstrated in the Manuscript Templates (Word, LaTeX).
Place all figures and tables within the main text.
Do not include author biographies in the manuscript.
Do not include superscript tags next to author names.
Ensure that the manuscript is written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. Non-native English speakers are encouraged to use professional scientific manuscript editing services. If necessary, a language editing certificate may be required upon resubmission.
Do not submit individual high-resolution figure files during initial submission. Files assigned as High-Res Image are not accessible to reviewers.
Ensure the PDF file is smaller than 40 MB.
Specific Checklist for Regular and Special Issue Submissions
Limit initial submissions to 10 pages (10 point font size or larger), including references. This requirement does not apply to resubmissions and revisions.
Verify that the selected Special Issue is still open to new submissions. If closed, submit as a Regular Paper instead.
Specific Checklist for Challenge Papers
Limit initial submissions to 14 pages (10 points font size or larger), including references. Resubmissions and revisions are exempt from this requirement.
Ensure that the submitting and corresponding author is the challenge organizer.
Include at least one author from each participating group.
Specific Checklist for Review Papers
Review paper submissions are by invitation only from the Editor-in-Chief . Authors must first submit a paper proposal, which requires review and approval by TMI’s Scientific Advisory Committee.
Specific Checklist for Resubmission/Revision